Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pinjam Tempat Awak. Kami Nak Study

Current activity : Searching about Bandar Maharani and Muar. Holistically. 

"Di sini permulaan dan berakhirnya  Kesultanan Melayu Melaka". 

How beautiful your heritage value, culture and nature. Keep it. Preserve it. It your responsiblity. Kami tukang usha. Kami tukang cakap. Kami tukang design. Pilihannya semua di tangan anda, local people. 

 Night at Bandar Maharani 

 Something weird but common atmosphere for local people. Breakfast, satay! 

 Muar Press. Still used tradisional machine. 

 111 year of  High School, Muar.

 Heritage tree. Planted since colonial time. 

 Beautiful Masjid Jamek, Muar. In term of architecture style. 

 Local stall. Local culture

 Think for future developement.  

 Reuse the function of the old building

 Let make your appoinment with your Jurugigi 

 Chooce the stratagic places

Make your own perspective. Cover perut. Gemuk! 

Nota ibu jari kaki : Today is our future history. 

1 comment:

Nesha Zin said...

was awesome. super cool. big fan of your talent. wanna be your model, next! maybe.